When paying for the entire semester up front, you receive this per lesson discount
Private Lesson
$80 per lesson
Evaluation Lesson
Full Day: $675
Half Day: $440
Show Fees
Trailering: **
Coaching: **
Use of Horse: **
** All depends on location of show, length of show, number of riders attending.
Training Board
$700 per month
$1200 per month
Payment Policy:
One lump sum payment customers receive a $8.00 per lesson discount. One lump sum is due on or before the first lesson of the session. Pay as you go is due in full prior to the start of the lesson either by cash, check or credit card via StableBuzz
All Camps are due in full payment on or before the first day of camp, payment plans are not available for camps.
We do not offer refunds.
All makeup lessons must be completed by the end of the session.
Cash, Checks and Credit card payments will be accepted for semester payments. You may use Visa or MasterCard
We require 24 hour notice before any missed lessons. Make-up lessons are available when proper notice is given during the current semester. If you are ill, please call and schedule a make-up lesson. Misty Brae Farm will make every effort to accommodate your make up lesson needs, However, we do not provide refunds or credits for missed lessons. All services such as lessons taken or training provided at Misty Brae Farm are to be paid to Misty Brae Farm. Misty Brae Farm does not allow outside trainers or independent instruction on the premises on your horse or otherwise.
We do not offer public trail rides or horse rentals. Our horses and ponies are only available for use through our lesson and leasing programs.