Attention pony club members new and old - there will be a meeting for pony club members at Misty Brae Farm on Sunday September 26th at 1:00 p.m.. All members new and old are welcome to attend.
Future meetings will be held on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Future dates:
October 17th
November 21st
December 19th
January 16th
February 20th
March 20th
April 17th
May 15th
June 19th
You can go to the US Pony Club website to complete your membership online using the link below:
New members should fill out the online membership for 2022.
In the top left corner of the application you can fill in the following information:
Name of center: Misty Brae Farm Pony Club Center
Region: Virginia region
Submitted by: Tori Hutcheson
Phone: 703-403-6422
On the right side of the application choose "$200 Prorated New Member"
Please try to complete your application before the first meeting.
Current members should make sure their membership is up to date.
If you have questions feel free to contact Tori (703-403-6422) or Joanne (703-475-5955)
Misty Brae Farm is a newly rocognized Pony Club Riding Center. As a
recognized Pony Club Riding Center through the United States Pony
Clubs, (USPC) we are pleased to offer:
* Established curriculum to teach riding and horsemanship skills
* National and International recognized Standards of Proficiency
* Local and Regional activities and events
* Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing and Games
is one of the leading youth horsemanship organizations in the world,
with over 600 clubs and centers in 49 states and the Virgin Islands and
approximately 12,000 members. Through the USPC formal instructional
program, members learn about horses and their care. Horse management
is continually evaluated throughout all riding activities. Leadership,
teamwork, communication skills, responsibility, and sportsmanship are
just a few of the qualities that are cultivated through membership with
Membership to Misty Brae Farm Pony Club Riding Center and USPC is available to youth 5-21 and under. Members through a Pony Club
Riding Center do not have to have their own horse and have access to
the full Pony Club program as administered by the Riding Center. This
includes learning to ride on the flat, over jumps, and in the open. In
addition, members will be able to "rate" their riding ability and horse
management skills against an established standard of proficiency and be
able to participate in center, regional, and national activities.
of the ten Pony Club ratings is more difficult than the preceding one,
and requires Pony Club members to learn more about horses and their
care and to become increasingly accomplished riders and teachers of
riding and horse care to younger members. The top rating, 'A,' is
reached by fewer than one in 300 and denotes throughout the
international horse industry a highly competent and knowledgeable
The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. (USPC) was
founded in 1954 as a nonprofit national youth organization to teach
riding and horsemanship through a formal educational program. Many of
the nation's top equestrians, including most of our Olympic Equestrian
team members, have Pony Club roots. Activities are English-riding
based, and members ride both horses and ponies, depending on the size
of the rider and the discipline in which he or she is competing. All Pony Club
competition is team competition, much like the Olympic games, where
members learn the importance of cooperation and teamwork. For more
information on Pony Club, please visit their Web site at
Contact Center Administrator Staci Kapinos
Misty Brae Farm PCRC C/O Misty Brae Farm LLC PO Box 13 Aldie, Va 20105
The United States Pony Clubs, Inc.
(Revised January 1, 2009)
The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., establishes Standards of Proficiency within the framework of the international Pony Club
movement as the curriculum for a program of instruction and evaluation of its members for ratings.
D Rating: The D Ratings are an introduction to the fun and challenge
of riding, establishing a foundation of safety habits and knowledge of
the daily care of a pony and tack. The D-1 through D-3 Pony Club
member learns to ride independently and with control, maintaining a
reasonably secure position at the walk, trot and canter and over low
fences. All D ratings are awarded at the club level.
C-1 and C-2 Ratings:
The C-1 and C-2 is a Pony Club member learning
to become an active horseman, to care independently for pony and
tack and to understand the reasons for what he or she is doing. The C-1
and C-2 show development towards a secure, independent seat and
increasing control and confidence in all phases of riding. The C-1 and
C-2 ratings are awarded at the club level.
The H-B, C-3, B, H/H-A and A Ratings
are facilitated on a national
basis and require a greater depth of knowledge and proficiency than the
earlier ratings. Successful candidates are competent, all-around horsemen,
active and contributing members of USPC, who participate in a
variety of Pony Club activities. They are also thoughtful leaders who set
an example for all levels.
The H-B Rating
covers Horse Management knowledge that demonstrates
increasing knowledge and competence in the care and handling
of horses.
The H/H-A Rating
requires the knowledge, experience and maturity to
evaluate and care for a mount’s needs efficiently and in a variety of circumstances,
and to teach riding and horse care to others.
Pony Club members may choose to follow one or all of three riding
tracks. They are: Traditional, Show Jumping or Dressage.
The C-3 Rating
reflects a basis of competence in riding and horses care
that will make possible a lifetime of pleasure with horses. If the C-3 riding
test is passed before the H-B, the member becomes a C+.
The B Rating
is for the active horseman and Pony Club member who
is interested in acquiring further knowledge and proficiency in riding.
The B is able to ride experienced mounts with confidence and control.
The B should be able to ride and care for another person’s experienced
mount, maintaining proper mental and physical condition without
undoing any of the mount’s education. The B understands and is able to
explain the reasons for what he or she is doing and to contribute to the
education of younger Pony Club members.
The A Rating,
the highest rating, is divided into two parts: the H/H-A,
which covers horse management, teaching and training and the A, which
tests the riding phase. The A is able to ride mounts at various levels of
schooling with judgement, tact and effectiveness; to train young mounts;
and to retrain spoiled mounts. Like the B, the A understands and is able to
explain the reasons for what he or she is doing and to contribute to the